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Week 7 - The Team

The team was formed today! Well... most of us-there are a few people that weren't in class that could end up being a part of our group. We established some of our roles and responsibilities and everyone seemed happy. 

Writer/Director: Sean Russell

Sound: Jordan Manning

Art Director: Joe Garcia (I may be taking on some DOP responsibilities - I'm buying a new phone.)

We made a group chat on Facebook to keep in contact and decided Wednesdays after 11:30am would be the day we get most of our shooting done. This is subject to change once others are assigned to our team. So far everyone seems to be team players and very happy to compromise for the good of our film.

Sean already had a rough concept ready to go which really got the ball rolling:

        A guilt ridden man (not the title)

  • References to where 'the incident' may have taken place. We talked about using repetitive imagery to convey to the audience where it may have happened. (e.g. sounds of seagulls, finding sand in places it shouldn't be-could be hallucinations.)
  • We discussed shooting a few shots showing what life was like prior to 'the incident' to show the contrast of how the protagonist's life has changed.

(Shyamalan's Director cameo in Signs)

  • We made reference to the movie Signs. Shyamalan's character is a good example of someone living with guilt.
  • There could be a final shot of the lead role standing on the cliff before it cuts to the credits. (Sean was pretty adamant about letting the audience decide on key plot points -  I agree with him.)

We discussed our parts in the film:

Sean is going to take on the lead role of our guilt ridden protagonist.
Jordan to be in the film as some sort of dog walking extra (possibly more after script is written)

I'm not sure what my role will be but I hope it's good. We'll see how things go soon. 
